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Thursday, 18 November 2021
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Service Poster
Today I was learning about service and what it is. For this task I had to think of five things that show service and write them down as a poster. I enjoyed writing them down and I found it little bit challenging to think of the last two things. I would love it if you commented on my 2021 Achievements. Click this link for a video of how you can show service to others.
My 2021 Achievements
Today I was learning how to use Canva, Canva is an app you can use for presentations and stuff like that. For this task I had to think of three achievements for this year and then I had to write them down and decorate the page. Then I put together two audios and then I was done. I enjoyed decorating my pages and I found it challenging to think of what I had done this year that is a good achievement. I would love it if you commented on my Amazing Portrait of Myself.
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
My Amazing Portrait of Myself
Today I was learning how to mix colours to make colours like your hair colour or your skin colour. For this activity I had to get someone to take a photo of me, then, I had to trace my photo with sharpie, after that I had to make my skin colour and and do two coats on my face, after that I had to paint two coats on my shirt then I had to mix my hair colour and do two coats of that next I had to do one coat of my white part of my eyes on both sides after that I had to mix the colour of my eyes and paint one coat over those lastly I had to make my lip colour and paint them with one coat. For this activity I enjoyed mixing the colours and I found it challenging to trace the lines with a sharpie. I would love it if you commented on my beatitude poster. Click this link to watch a video of how to mix colours.
Monday, 4 October 2021
Beatitude poster
Friday, 1 October 2021
My Saint is Mary Mackillop
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
calendar art
Today I was learning how to shade using pencils. For this task I had to decide what nz bird I wanted to do, I chose the royal spoonbill. Then I had to trace it on the window, then once I had my bird traced I had to put shapes in the middle of my bird, next I had to shade in my shapes using the colours the photo of the bird had. After that I had to dye the background, the next step was to put little square crape paper around my bird, lastly, I had to outline my bird with a black pen. I enjoyed dying it because I felt calming and I found it challenging to trace the bird because I only had one try and I felt like I was going to mess up. I would love it if you commented on My speech about Why you need to like horses. this was my art.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Why you Need to Like Horses 🐴 🐎
Today I was learning how to write a speech. For this activity I had to write my pepeha then I had to find information about horses, then I had to start my writing/speech. I enjoyed writing my speech and I found it challenging to say my speech out loud because I was nervus. I would love it if you commented on is mr wolf guilty of murder. this is a picture of me and below is my speech.

Why You need to like horses

Do you like horses? Have you ever rode a horse? Have you ever seen one? I strongly believe you should like horses because horses are beautiful, horses understand you and there are even some social activities. I am going to tell you three reasons why horses are amazing and then you can decide if you should think about liking horses or not.
Firstly, Beauty can be in the eyes of the beholder. Horses inspire artists through the ages. They are living art forms that remind us of the natural wonders of the world. This in turn inspires us to live our lives at a higher level. Do you like reading? If you do, I think you should try out reading books from authors like Stacy Greg and for a little bit younger readers there is a series called pony pals. They write about horses.
Secondly, There are lot’s of social activities related to horses. From hanging out at stables with friends to going to shows or group trail rides. horses keep their owner in touch with other humans. And they relax you, a trail ride isn’t very bad. You can even play amazing fun games on horses like capture the flag, Red Light Green Light, the Egg and Spoon race, Simon Says and obstacle courses.
Lastly, Horses see our real self. They don’t care if we are the President of a company or the janitor in the local school. They see you as who you really are. You have to earn their respect. You have to be honest with them and yourself. It’s like having a friend that really understands you. Can I just add that when you are riding a horse it feels like flying it feels so free.
Those are my three reasons you should like horses and you can decide if you like horses or not. I love horses and riding, and I really like cross country. Do you think horses are amazing yet? I hope you liked my speech about horses.
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Is Mr wolf guilty?
Today I was learning how to write a persuasive text and this was my plan and writing. For this activity I had to write a plan. In my plan I had to have three reasons Mr Wolf in the story of little red riding hood was guilty or if he is not guilty, I chose non guilty. I enjoyed writing and I found it challenging to find three reasons Why Mr Wolf is guilty. I would love it if you commented on turtles.
Basic tongan words
Today I was learning tongan words. For this activity I had to learn tongan words then write them down on my slides. I enjoyed learning the words and I found it challenging to pronounce the words. I would love it if you commented on turtles. click this link to a video that shows you a few tongan words. these are my slides.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Today I was learning about turtles and how to draw a realistic looking turtle. For this task I had to watch a video that showed me how to draw a picture of a turtle and then draw a picture of a turtle. after that I had to watch a video called "what eats turtles" then I had to make a poster that showed five facts, my facts were:
1. turtles predators are tiger sharks and Orca.
2. scientists believe that one out of a thousand baby turtles make it to adulthood.
3. the largest turtles weigh up to a thousand pounds.
4. turtles are one of the oldest animals around.
5. a turtle's shell is not an exoskeleton.
I enjoyed drawing a turtle and I found it challenging to find five facts for my poster. I would love it if you commented on my dogs vs cats blog post. click this link for what eats turtles and this link for a video if you want to draw your own turtle. this was my poster and below that is my turtle.

Monday, 6 September 2021
Dogs vs Cats
Today I was learning how to make persuasive writing and persuasive slides. for this task I had to make find three reasons for cats to be better than dogs and three reasons for dogs to be better than cats then I had to choose which one I wanted to write about. I enjoyed making the slides and I found it challenging to think of what to write in the writing part. I would love it if you commented on my amazing race episode 2 and here is a link to the amazing race. click this link if you want to make your own slides and here is link to a video that shows you what persuasive writing is and here is a link to a video called ¨ten facts about cats" and here is link to a video called "ten facts about dogs" one last link to "cats who needs them". This was my writing about dogs and below that are my slides. Why dogs are better than cats
I totally think that dogs are way better than cats, Do you agree? In this piece of writing I am going to tell you three reasons why dogs are better than cats. After I tell you, you can decide what side you are on.
Firstly, I think that dogs are better than cats because even the smallest dogs will try to protect you no matter what, and it would be good to have a hero around for at least nine-ten years, now isn’t that protection?
Secondly dogs are better than cats because dogs don’t make a disgusting sound when they have a hairball, they don’t even have hairballs. Who would want to clean up hairballs? I think that I would want to clean up dog droppings instead of cleaning and listening to cats and hairballs.
Lastly, they don't make you dig through a sand toilet (kitty litter box). Don't you think it's annoying when your cat buries the droppings in the sand toilet? I mean it's not nice to have to search for your cat droppings.
Well, are you on the dog's side yet? I mean what side are you on? For the reasons above I think dogs are way better than cats.
The amazing race episode 2
This was just a activity we could do for fun. It is the amazing race episode 2 of last week. For episode 2 we were in japan. we had to watch a short video then complete some challenges. The city's we did a task for were: Tokyo, Osaka, Hacone, Kobe and Yokohama. Tokyo is renowned for fashion, so for this task we had to make an outfit out of paper. My Mum traced some of my clothes to make a top and skirt, cut them out then stapled them together. This is how it looked.....
Osaka has many places where you can learn how to do origami. For this task we had to make a cup out of paper, this was mine.....

Hakone is a mountainous area well known for it's hot springs. For this task Guysie and I had to draw something but.....there is a catch, one of us has to wear a blindfold and the other one has to tell the person with the blindfold where to draw. I think Guysie's picture is better so I must have given him better instructions. We had to draw three mountains, three trees on each mountain and a bird above each mountain. I drew and Guysie drew.
Kobe is an important port in Japan. For this task I had to spot ten differences between two pictures. I found them all can you?

Yokohama is home to the second tallest building in japan. For this task we had to get a basketball over everyone's heads and each person could only use one of their fingers without dropping the ball.
Friday, 3 September 2021
Egg experiment
Today I was learning how to make a egg bounce. For this activity I had to put an egg in vinegar then I had to leave it overnight, in the morning since the power went out I cleaned it. The water was freezing because of the power outage though. Then I went outside and bounced it, it bounced but make sure to see the end of the video. I enjoyed doing the experiment and I found it challenging when the egg broke, all my hard work. I would love it if you commented on my Lego stop motion. click this link to see how to make your own egg bounce.
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Lego stop motion
Today I was learning how to make a stop motion film. for this activity I had to watch a video, download an app and then make a stop motion video. I was lucky because I have a book that gives me instructions of how to make a stop motion video, backgrounds and a lego police, robber, civilians and lots of accessories. I enjoyed making the video and I found it challenging to click capture (you will know what I mean when you click the last link) because one of the keys on my keyboard also clicked capture and I would accidently click it with my arm while my hand was changing the things around. I would love it if you commented on my pen pal letter. click this link to brainstorm and plan your own and if you do that here is a link to the app I used. Have fun.

Pen pal letter
Today I was learning how to write a letter. For this activity I had to read a book then write a letter to someone. I chose to write to my friend Emma because I miss her and think I should. I emailed it to her then made some changes and now I'm putting it here. I enjoyed writing the letter and I found it challenging to find what to delete or change. I would love it if you commented on spelling activity. Click this link to read the book I read, on the book it is page 2-13 (you will know what I mean when you see the book.) Click here for a template to write your own letter.
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
Spelling activity
Today I was learning how to spell unknown words. for this activity I had to find ten words I don't know and find three slides to do and delete the rest. I enjoyed doing the spelling staircase and I found it challenging to do the rainbow word art. I would love it if you commented on my August student newsletter. there was also this cool game where you write in some words and then in the game spell them. You can choose what kind of game you do, like, roller coaster or the dragon adventure game.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
August student newsletter
Today I was learning how to make a reflection from the month. for this activity I was given a slide to fill out. If I didn't have an answer to one of the questions I had to change it to something else I had enviro school and for that one I had to write something outside I did with my class in august I didn't do anything outside with my class I can remember so I changed it to blogging. I enjoyed writing in the answers to the questions and I found it challenging to think of what to put instead of inviro school. I would love it if you commented on my Five facts about the paralympics.
Five facts about the paralympics
Today I was learning about the paralympics. For this activity I had to find five facts and write them down. I enjoyed writing the facts down and I found it challenging to find five facts. I would love it if you commented on my maths escape room. Click this link to watch the video I watched about the paralympics.
Monday, 30 August 2021
Maths escape room
Today we were given slides, on those slides were maths questions, hard ones. Once I had the answer to the maths question I had to match it up to the letters beside it. These letters created a word. For this task I enjoyed working with my family because they helped me with the questions and we found it challenging to work out some of the answers because four of them were wrong. I would love it if you commented on my things you probably didn’t know about St Agatha.
Things you probably didn't know about St Agatha
Today I was learning how to research about a saint. For this activity I had to find out about saints and write what I found out. For this task I found it challenging to find out when she became a saint, till I realized I was wasting my time because no one really knows and I enjoyed watching a video about her. Click this link to see the video I watched.
Five facts about cicadas
Today I was learning how to apply knowledge. For this activity I had to read a book then write five facts about cicadas. For this task I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find the facts. I would love it if you commented on my FIZZ INFLATOR. Click this link to read the book and this link to read the supporting text.
Friday, 27 August 2021
Today I was learning how to make a fizz inflator. For this task I had to fill a bottle with about ¾ cup of vinegar then I had to put a few tablespoons of baking soda into a balloon, a ziplock bag or a plastic bag lastly I had to put my bag, or whatever your using onto the bottle and tip it up so the baking soda mixes with the vinegar and makes the bag blow up like mine did. I enjoyed watching it blow up and I found it challenging to find the ingredients. I would love it if you commented on my amazing race.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
The Amazing Race
We did this activity for fun. The amazing race is like a game where people go to different countries and do different tasks and activities, but of course we didn’t go to different countries, since it's lockdown we just stayed in our backyard and house. For the amazing race we had to do an activity for each big city in New Zealand like, Auckland, Wellington, Invercargill and Rotorua. For Auckland we had to make a tower with books and this is how it went……
For Wellington we had to use air and we were not allowed to use our hands. This is how that went....
For Rotorua we had to make ten words in geothermal. I got 11 though. My words were…
1. Thermal
2. The
3. Three
4. Tree
5. Math
6. Geo
7. Ego
8. Here
9. Eat
10. Mole
11. Ram
The last task is the Invercargill one. For this one we had to build an obstacle course then time each person in the team had to do the the course and time it.
I enjoyed building and doing the obstacle course and I found it challenging to think of ten words in geothermal. I would love it if you commented on my nature art. Click this link to watch a promotional video showing different places in New Zealand
Nature art
Today I was learning how to make art outside. For my task I had to collect flowers, stones, sticks, water and leaves then I had to put them together and make something cool. I enjoyed creating the art and I found it challenging to find the stuff to do it. I would love it if you commented on my composting blog post. Click this link to view the video I watched.This is how my art turned out…...

The magical jawbone
Today I have been learning how to do a digital construction on Minecraft or Lego. We had to watch a video then we had to make a kereru or a jawbone. I did a jawbone because the kereru was too detailed and I had more white Lego. I enjoyed making it on Minecraft and I found it challenging to make it with Lego because the blocks kept breaking off. I would love it if you commented on my hide and seek with guysie. Click this link to view the video I watched. Was it hard? Yes it was. This is a picture of the jawbone on Minecraft.

This is a picture of the Lego jawbone

This is what I was trying to make

Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Today I have been learning how to structure my writing. For this task I had to watch a video then I had to read a book then another book then I had to write about composting. For this activity I found it challenging to write it down and I enjoyed learning about it. I would love it if you commented on my Olympic games. Click this link to view the video I watched, this link to read the first book and this link to view the second book I read. This is my writing….
Do you know what composting is? Composting is breaking down organic matter to turn it into a useful resource for the garden. Composting speeds up nature by encouraging fungi and bacteria to break down organic matter.
Composting is made by layering green and brown organic materials. Green is law cuttings and green vegetable scraps and green weeds and brown is seaweed, dead leaves, sticks and twigs and you can also put some soil or ready made compost into it. You start by putting sticks and twigs on the bottom of the compost so that air can come in. you then layer green then brown about 100 mm thick, keep building your compost up until you have used all your materials. Then water your compost because you need water and air for your compost. Don’t let your Compost get too wet or too dry.
You can use your compost soil to Plant flowers in and other plants and vegetables and stuff like that. It makes them grow really healthy, it provides nutrients for your plants and helps hold water in the soil.
I think if you don’t have a composter you should make one and do your own composting. It’s a great way to get rid of your scraps and leaves and weeds from the garden and turn it into something useful.
Monday, 23 August 2021
Hide and seek
This time for my activity I had to go outside and do something. So I decided to play hide and seek. It was really funny when I found him. I enjoyed finding him. He made me laugh and I found it kinda hard to find him. He was in the second to last spot. I would love it if you commented on my amazing Japanese artwork or my everything robot. Click this link to view the site that gave me the idea of playing hide and seek.
My funky hat
Since it is lockdown I have been having google meets with the rest of my class and this google meet I had to wear a funky hat and so I decided to wear this one. I couldn’t decide which hat to wear so I put them together.
The great outdoors
For my task I have been learning about kiwis and how many species there are of kiwi. For this task I had to read about kiwis and then write it down. I enjoyed writing the species down and I found it challenging to find the species and how many there are exactly. I would like it if you commented on my japanese art. Click this link to view the site that gave me information.
Facts About Dogs
For my reading task today I was learning about dogs. For my task I had to read a text and find five facts about dogs. For this activity I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find the facts. See if you can find a fact about dogs and add it to a comment. I would love it if you commented on my facts about japan. Click this link to read the book about dogs. Click this link to view the site that gave me information.
Olympic Games
For this task I have been learning how to skim and scan read. For this task I had to find facts about the Olympics and write them down. I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find the facts. It makes me feel really good when I get comments so maybe yours will too. Click this link to view the site that gave me information, One other link for my other book and the third link to my third book. A link to my first video and link to my second video.
Friday, 20 August 2021
My Amazing Japanese Art Work
Lately I have been learning how to blend pastels. For this task I had to draw a circle in the middle of the page, then I had to fill the page in with colours, yellow then orange then red then brown, after that I had to blend the colours together. After that I had to make a pagoda, a pagoda is a tiered tower with multiple eaves common to Nepal, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function. Then I had to draw some yellow in the circle in the middle of the page, the circle is the sun. After that I had to draw a tree with a black pencil, then I had to paint four dots on to the ends of the branches with white paint as blossoms. See if you could make your own, click this link so you can watch the video. I enjoyed watching the video because it was satisfying and I found it challenging to blend the colours to make it look good. Click this link to learn about cherry blossoms, this link to learn about the Japanese flag. Hope you like my picture
Prayer space
Right now it is lockdown and in this lockdown I made a prayer space. On my prayer space I put a bible, my jar of crystals and shells and sea glass. I also put a green tablecloth for ordinary time, a heart on a dish and some lit candles and a green ribbon in the bible for decoration.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Amazing Facts About Japan
This week I have been learning about Japan because The 2020 Olympics are in Tokyo Japan. For my task I had to read an epic book and research about Japan's people, animals, celebrations and the food there. Here is a link to my book on epic. I was learning how to find facts and information. I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find facts. This is a link to one of my videos. This is a link to my other video. This is a link to one other book I read and this is the last link to a site that also gave me information. When I get comments it makes me feel really good so maybe yours will too.
The Everything Robot
Lately I have been learning about robots. Did you know that robots have been around for a long time, they used to go by gears and springs but now they mainly go by batteries. For this task I have been learning to find information in a text book. For this activity I had to learn about robots and then I had to create my own robot on paper or on these slides, I chose to do it on the slides. I enjoyed learning about the robots and creating my own robot. I found it challenging to get the tracks on the robot to look right. I’d love it if you commented on my arabian horse writing post, Click this link to see it. Click this link to read the first book I read about robots and this link to read a site about them. This last link to view my video.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
A Sweet Business
Lately I have been learning about Bees and about starting a bee Business. For this task I have thought about what connects things like beekeeper and beehive or bees and gardens. For this task I was learning to make and support inferences. In this task I enjoyed learning about bees and a bee business. I found it challenging to think of what connected the things. Did you know that these mites called varroa mites can kill an entire beehive and to do that they suck the blood of bees and leave holes in their skin. It makes me feel really good when I get blog comments. So maybe yours will make me feel good too. Click the link to view the book I read to learn about the mites, click this link to view the other book I read, and one more link for the video I watched.
Friday, 9 July 2021
My Amazing Rocket Experiment
Today I was doing an experiment. It was a rocket one. I think the rocket will fly high.
Have you ever done a rocket experiment? For a water rocket experiment, you have to have a aquapod. An aquapod is like a launchpad for a rocket. you have to fill the water bottle up. You have to put the aquapod upside down, then you put the bottle on the ground so you can put the aquapod on to it. On the aquapod there is a white volve and a black rubber circle on it.
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Mini Golf Course
Today I have been learning how to find the area and perimeter of 2d shapes. My learning went really well. I enjoyed making the course. . I found it hard to do the maths.I read my blog comments first thing in the morning so maybe yours will brighten up my day. Click here to see the video we watched.
Why Arabian horses are amazing
Today I have been writing about Arabian horses. I enjoyed writing my story because I had my plan to help me. I found it challenging to plan my writing. Next time I would change my subject because it would look better. I love Arabian horses, Do you? What is your favorite thing about arabian horses? Have you ever heard about them? My learning went really well. I read my blog comments first thing in the morning so maybe yours will brighten up my day. This was my writing......
Why arabian horses are amazing
Have you ever seen a Arabian before? I am going to explain today.Arabian horses have a different shape of skull and when they canter, trot and gallop their tail raises up high. Did you know that all Arabians have black skin?
Did you know Arabians are from the Middle East? Arabians are one of the oldest breeds, they could be 4500 years old. Arabians are my favorite breed of horse.
The Bedouin people kept them in tents to keep them safe. When they are healthy they can be 800 to 1,000 pounds.
Arabian horses can come in all different coats and colours. Arabians can be chesnut, black,bay,dappled and white.They have a long silky,thick main tail.
Now you know what a Arabian is. Why they are amazing to me.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
village beach
Today I was watching a video for my reading. I made a play with it, in it there were Emma, Molly, Irelyn and me, it was called Village Beach. Click here to view my book, redirect notice might come up if it does click the search address.
My learning went really well.
I read my blog comments first thing in the morning so maybe yours will brighten up my day. These were my book pages
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Matariki in scratch
Friday, 18 June 2021
My awesome book cover
The last few days I have been creating a homework book cover. Every year the students plan, draw and colour a homework book cover. Then the teachers vote on the best homework book cover and that's the cover for the next year. I enjoyed drawing and coloring it in. I found it challenging to think of what to draw. My digital learning object shows a picture of my art work. Next time I would make my drawing better so maybe it could be the one on the homework book cover. My learning went really well. I read my blog comments first thing in the morning so maybe yours will brighten up my day.
Thursday, 10 June 2021
The amazing oil and water experiment
Today I have been doing an experiment for science. My learning went really well, I enjoyed doing the experiment. My digital learning object shows the slides I made for part of my experiment. Next time I would add more detail to my slides because I don't think I have enough. In my group there was Emma and Theodora. I love reading what my blog readers have to say.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
What is a covenant?
Today I have been learning about what a covenant is, how God made a promise with people and they broke it because we are a Catholic School. A covenant is a sacred agreement. I enjoyed creating the poster. My digital learning object shows a screenshot of my poster. Next time I would write more because I think I could have added more detail. My learning went really well. I love reading what my blog readers have to say. I had to create a poster, this is my poster.
Saturday, 29 May 2021
The tropical island
Today I was writing about a tropical island, Because that's what we were writing about , My learning went really well. I found it challenging to think of what to write. My digital learning object shows a piece of writing. It says...
Tropical Island
I can smell air filled with salt from the sky blue water, I could see the clear turquoise water shining up to the universe, above the island there were white puffy clouds. The birds were singing loudly but peacefully by the two big beautiful coconut trees that rustle in the wind. The salty sea foam was wrapping around my feet. The wind was blowing the light, soft sand into my mouth annoyingly.
Abraham Sarah and God the comedy
Thursday, 27 May 2021
The bedroom you want to have
Today I was learning how to at detail into our writing about my bedroom. I enjoyed publishing this on my chromebook. I found it challenging to think of what to write, writing is the subject that i'm not as good at. My digital learning object shows my bedroom writing. Next time I will describe my room a bit better.
My cosy bedroom
It’s my favorite part of the house,my bedroom. I love it! It’s really pink and my bed is so bouncy .IT’S PERFECTION!! Oh and it’s got a nice fluffy sheep skin in the middle of the room that is as soft as a unsawn sheep.
My room has got pink walls. My bed is on the side of my room under the window, out my window in the mornings I can hear the birds outside and see the flowers on the other side of the driveway. Sometimes I like to go on my mum's phone and read at night.
My room gets messy easily. Some nights my cat comes and sleeps on my bed. There are books everywhere, I love reading!! I think my bedroom is really cosy. My cat is fluffy.
My room makes me feel calm. It smells like me because I am in there a lot. Sometimes in the morning when I wake up early since my step dad goes to work early I can hear him in the kitchen
Overall I think that my room is the best room in the house,and also I think it’s really cosy. Most of the time it’s messy though.
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Today I was learning about what they had in the olden days like the washing machine and the phone or the tv. I enjoyed finding images because i could look at the difference and boy they changed. My digital learning object shows the change in the past and the present day. Next time I would change probably to present day and future because that is what i'm learning about, past, present and future.
Saturday, 22 May 2021
ANZAC day poster
Today I was learning about Anzac day. I enjoyed writing a poster. I found it challenging to think about something to write because my dad is not actually in war. My digital learning object shows a poster that would have gone in war. Next time I would write a bit more because there is always room for improvement right? I love to see what my blog readers have to say. It says...
I bet it is not nice there and how's the food? It must be gross. You probably hate it
there. I really miss you and so does Mum. It is a bit wet here. I don't like it but it's
probably nothing compared to what you have to handle.
From: your daughter
Thursday, 20 May 2021
My name and the alphabet in nz sign language
Today I was learning how to spell my name in nz sign language found it challenging to memorise the signs because they were very complicated. My digital learning object shows a screenshot of my video on screencastify. It was hard.
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
mothers day cards for mummies
Today I was learning how to use a needle and thread. I enjoyed thinking about how much Mum would like it and she loved it! I found it challenging to do the weaving because it was very complicated. My digital learning object shows my Mothers day card and that I can weave. Next time I will do better because there is always room for improvement. Oh and it was pajama day. Inside I wrote,
Dear Mum,
Happy Mothers Day. Thank you for making me feel better when I am sad, I love you for that. I wish you a great Mothers day.
From Alexis

Friday, 16 April 2021
Horouta waka
goal settings for term 1!!
Today I was thinking about what my goals are for term 1.
I enjoyed thinking about what i needed to work on.
My digital learning object shows
Next time I would change some of the goals on there because i want to make them more challenging next time.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Holy Week Wreath
Today I made a holy week wreath and then made a flipgrid about it, on my flipgrid I just told you what happened in lent, first,people spread garmince on the road and others spread palm branches they shouted HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST, next,The last supper, jesus took the bread blessed it and broke it saying take this and eat it this is my body.then it was,Jesus prays in gethsemane, he fell on his face and prayed saying my God if it is possible let this cup pass from me but not as i will but as you will. after that,Jesus is crucified,Jesus cried out in a loud voice my God why have you forsaken me Jesus cried again yielding up his spirit. you will have to watch my flipgrid video to see the rest. I enjoyed making the flipgrid. My digital learning object shows the steps in lent.

Today I was learning about Hot Cross Buns,the cross on the Bun resembles the cross that jesus died on.
I enjoyed learning about Hot Cross Buns because i love researching about stuff.
My digital learning object shows that i was learning about Hot Cross Buns
Next time I would change the images
Monday, 12 April 2021
Whale Art

Today I was learning about whales and how its illegal to do whaling
I enjoyed dying the picture because, well, dying is FUN
My digital learning object shows a whale painting
Next time i will make the painting better
sea week
Today I was learning about seahorses
I enjoyed researching because i can and did learn lot of facts
I found it challenging to believe some of the facts because some are really weird
My digital learning object shows 12 facts about seahorses
Next time I would change some of the facts
st patrick's day
Today I was learning about st patrick and st patrick's day
I enjoyed researching because i found a lot of interesting facts
My digital learning object shows 6 facts about st patrick
Next time I will add some different facts
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Two truths and one lie
Today we were learning about what is true and what is a lie, sometimes things are not always as they seem. Read through all of my stories and slides can you figure out what the one lie is and what the two truths are, have a go, give it a try. GOOD LUCK!!!
Friday, 5 March 2021
chinese new year
Today I was learning about chinese new year. I enjoyed learning about it because i think that it is cool. I found it challenging to remember the facts. Next time I would change i bit of the accessories.
Monday, 1 March 2021
room 2 cawa of care
today i was learning how to take care of our chromebooks and i wrote down what i is really important to take care of our chromebooks because they are expensive tools.when i get home from school i put my chromebook in a spot that i know no one will stand on and my family don't eat or drink by my chromebook.i never leave my chromebook in the sun or any other device