Tuesday 17 August 2021

A Sweet Business

Lately I have been learning about Bees and about starting a bee Business. For this task I have thought about what connects things like beekeeper and beehive or bees and gardens. For this task I was learning to make and support inferences. In this task I enjoyed learning about bees and a bee business. I found it challenging to think of what connected the things. Did you know that these mites called varroa mites can kill an entire beehive and to do that they suck the blood of bees and leave holes in their skin. It makes me feel really good when I get blog comments. So maybe yours will make me feel good too. Click the link to view the book I read to learn about the mites, click this link to view the other book I read, and one more link for the video I watched. 


  1. Alexis, what an interesting topic. You must have learnt a lot about bees. I was very interested in the way the bees get the pollen from the flowers.l like the budget that the children discussed. They realized they could not have everything they wanted until they made a profit. Wiuld you like to keep some hives and produce your own honey? Keep publishing your blogs, l enjoy reading them. Love Gramma xx

  2. Morena Alexis,

    Fantastic quality blog post. You have included what you were learning and doing well. I can see from your digital learning object that you have successfully made some made inferences. Keep up the great mahi.

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling.


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