Thursday 26 August 2021

The magical jawbone

Today I have been learning how to do a digital construction on Minecraft or Lego. We had to watch a video then we had to make a kereru or a jawbone. I did a jawbone because the kereru was too detailed and I had more white Lego. I enjoyed making it on Minecraft and I found it challenging to make it with Lego because the blocks kept breaking off. I would love it if you  commented on my hide and seek with guysie. Click this link to view the video I watched. Was it hard? Yes it was. This is a picture of the jawbone on Minecraft.

                                              This is a picture of the Lego jawbone

                                             This is what I was trying to make


  1. Good job Alexis, I love how creative you are with both your lego and minecraft :)

  2. Morena Alexis,

    I really like both of your creations. What a great idea making one digitally and the other physically with Lego. Did you create the digital hook first and did that help you to construct the one made of Lego? They have both turned out very similar to the actual hook. Ka pai,

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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