My Amazing Japanese Art Work
Lately I have been learning how to blend pastels. For this task I had to draw a circle in the middle of the page, then I had to fill the page in with colours, yellow then orange then red then brown, after that I had to blend the colours together. After that I had to make a pagoda, a pagoda is a tiered tower with multiple eaves common to Nepal, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function. Then I had to draw some yellow in the circle in the middle of the page, the circle is the sun. After that I had to draw a tree with a black pencil, then I had to paint four dots on to the ends of the branches with white paint as blossoms. See if you could make your own, click this link so you can watch the video. I enjoyed watching the video because it was satisfying and I found it challenging to blend the colours to make it look good. Click this link to learn about cherry blossoms, this link to learn about the Japanese flag. Hope you like my picture

Tēnā koe Alexis,
ReplyDeleteYou should be very proud of your Japanese inspired artwork. It is stunning. Well done for adding yet another detailed quality blog post with suitable links. I am very impressed. What would you say was the most challenging part of creating your art work?
Haere rā,
Miss Hickling
Kia Ora Mis Hickling,
DeleteThank you for commenting on this and I am very proud of this it is one of my best blog post I have done. The most challenging part of creating my art was the blending.
Nga Mihi,