Today I made a holy week wreath and then made a flipgrid about it, on my flipgrid I just told you what happened in lent, first,people spread garmince on the road and others spread palm branches they shouted HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST, next,The last supper, jesus took the bread blessed it and broke it saying take this and eat it this is my body.then it was,Jesus prays in gethsemane, he fell on his face and prayed saying my God if it is possible let this cup pass from me but not as i will but as you will. after that,Jesus is crucified,Jesus cried out in a loud voice my God why have you forsaken me Jesus cried again yielding up his spirit. you will have to watch my flipgrid video to see the rest. I enjoyed making the flipgrid. My digital learning object shows the steps in lent.

Can you show me your flipgrid?
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