Today I was learning how to make a reflection from the month. for this activity I was given a slide to fill out. If I didn't have an answer to one of the questions I had to change it to something else I had enviro school and for that one I had to write something outside I did with my class in august I didn't do anything outside with my class I can remember so I changed it to blogging. I enjoyed writing in the answers to the questions and I found it challenging to think of what to put instead of inviro school. I would love it if you commented on my Five facts about the paralympics.
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Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Five facts about the paralympics
Today I was learning about the paralympics. For this activity I had to find five facts and write them down. I enjoyed writing the facts down and I found it challenging to find five facts. I would love it if you commented on my maths escape room. Click this link to watch the video I watched about the paralympics.
Monday, 30 August 2021
Maths escape room
Today we were given slides, on those slides were maths questions, hard ones. Once I had the answer to the maths question I had to match it up to the letters beside it. These letters created a word. For this task I enjoyed working with my family because they helped me with the questions and we found it challenging to work out some of the answers because four of them were wrong. I would love it if you commented on my things you probably didn’t know about St Agatha.
Things you probably didn't know about St Agatha
Today I was learning how to research about a saint. For this activity I had to find out about saints and write what I found out. For this task I found it challenging to find out when she became a saint, till I realized I was wasting my time because no one really knows and I enjoyed watching a video about her. Click this link to see the video I watched.
Five facts about cicadas
Today I was learning how to apply knowledge. For this activity I had to read a book then write five facts about cicadas. For this task I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find the facts. I would love it if you commented on my FIZZ INFLATOR. Click this link to read the book and this link to read the supporting text.
Friday, 27 August 2021
Today I was learning how to make a fizz inflator. For this task I had to fill a bottle with about ¾ cup of vinegar then I had to put a few tablespoons of baking soda into a balloon, a ziplock bag or a plastic bag lastly I had to put my bag, or whatever your using onto the bottle and tip it up so the baking soda mixes with the vinegar and makes the bag blow up like mine did. I enjoyed watching it blow up and I found it challenging to find the ingredients. I would love it if you commented on my amazing race.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
The Amazing Race
We did this activity for fun. The amazing race is like a game where people go to different countries and do different tasks and activities, but of course we didn’t go to different countries, since it's lockdown we just stayed in our backyard and house. For the amazing race we had to do an activity for each big city in New Zealand like, Auckland, Wellington, Invercargill and Rotorua. For Auckland we had to make a tower with books and this is how it went……
For Wellington we had to use air and we were not allowed to use our hands. This is how that went....
For Rotorua we had to make ten words in geothermal. I got 11 though. My words were…
1. Thermal
2. The
3. Three
4. Tree
5. Math
6. Geo
7. Ego
8. Here
9. Eat
10. Mole
11. Ram
The last task is the Invercargill one. For this one we had to build an obstacle course then time each person in the team had to do the the course and time it.
I enjoyed building and doing the obstacle course and I found it challenging to think of ten words in geothermal. I would love it if you commented on my nature art. Click this link to watch a promotional video showing different places in New Zealand
Nature art
Today I was learning how to make art outside. For my task I had to collect flowers, stones, sticks, water and leaves then I had to put them together and make something cool. I enjoyed creating the art and I found it challenging to find the stuff to do it. I would love it if you commented on my composting blog post. Click this link to view the video I watched.This is how my art turned out…...

The magical jawbone
Today I have been learning how to do a digital construction on Minecraft or Lego. We had to watch a video then we had to make a kereru or a jawbone. I did a jawbone because the kereru was too detailed and I had more white Lego. I enjoyed making it on Minecraft and I found it challenging to make it with Lego because the blocks kept breaking off. I would love it if you commented on my hide and seek with guysie. Click this link to view the video I watched. Was it hard? Yes it was. This is a picture of the jawbone on Minecraft.

This is a picture of the Lego jawbone

This is what I was trying to make

Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Today I have been learning how to structure my writing. For this task I had to watch a video then I had to read a book then another book then I had to write about composting. For this activity I found it challenging to write it down and I enjoyed learning about it. I would love it if you commented on my Olympic games. Click this link to view the video I watched, this link to read the first book and this link to view the second book I read. This is my writing….
Do you know what composting is? Composting is breaking down organic matter to turn it into a useful resource for the garden. Composting speeds up nature by encouraging fungi and bacteria to break down organic matter.
Composting is made by layering green and brown organic materials. Green is law cuttings and green vegetable scraps and green weeds and brown is seaweed, dead leaves, sticks and twigs and you can also put some soil or ready made compost into it. You start by putting sticks and twigs on the bottom of the compost so that air can come in. you then layer green then brown about 100 mm thick, keep building your compost up until you have used all your materials. Then water your compost because you need water and air for your compost. Don’t let your Compost get too wet or too dry.
You can use your compost soil to Plant flowers in and other plants and vegetables and stuff like that. It makes them grow really healthy, it provides nutrients for your plants and helps hold water in the soil.
I think if you don’t have a composter you should make one and do your own composting. It’s a great way to get rid of your scraps and leaves and weeds from the garden and turn it into something useful.
Monday, 23 August 2021
Hide and seek
This time for my activity I had to go outside and do something. So I decided to play hide and seek. It was really funny when I found him. I enjoyed finding him. He made me laugh and I found it kinda hard to find him. He was in the second to last spot. I would love it if you commented on my amazing Japanese artwork or my everything robot. Click this link to view the site that gave me the idea of playing hide and seek.
My funky hat
Since it is lockdown I have been having google meets with the rest of my class and this google meet I had to wear a funky hat and so I decided to wear this one. I couldn’t decide which hat to wear so I put them together.
The great outdoors
For my task I have been learning about kiwis and how many species there are of kiwi. For this task I had to read about kiwis and then write it down. I enjoyed writing the species down and I found it challenging to find the species and how many there are exactly. I would like it if you commented on my japanese art. Click this link to view the site that gave me information.
Facts About Dogs
For my reading task today I was learning about dogs. For my task I had to read a text and find five facts about dogs. For this activity I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find the facts. See if you can find a fact about dogs and add it to a comment. I would love it if you commented on my facts about japan. Click this link to read the book about dogs. Click this link to view the site that gave me information.
Olympic Games
For this task I have been learning how to skim and scan read. For this task I had to find facts about the Olympics and write them down. I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find the facts. It makes me feel really good when I get comments so maybe yours will too. Click this link to view the site that gave me information, One other link for my other book and the third link to my third book. A link to my first video and link to my second video.
Friday, 20 August 2021
My Amazing Japanese Art Work
Lately I have been learning how to blend pastels. For this task I had to draw a circle in the middle of the page, then I had to fill the page in with colours, yellow then orange then red then brown, after that I had to blend the colours together. After that I had to make a pagoda, a pagoda is a tiered tower with multiple eaves common to Nepal, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function. Then I had to draw some yellow in the circle in the middle of the page, the circle is the sun. After that I had to draw a tree with a black pencil, then I had to paint four dots on to the ends of the branches with white paint as blossoms. See if you could make your own, click this link so you can watch the video. I enjoyed watching the video because it was satisfying and I found it challenging to blend the colours to make it look good. Click this link to learn about cherry blossoms, this link to learn about the Japanese flag. Hope you like my picture
Prayer space
Right now it is lockdown and in this lockdown I made a prayer space. On my prayer space I put a bible, my jar of crystals and shells and sea glass. I also put a green tablecloth for ordinary time, a heart on a dish and some lit candles and a green ribbon in the bible for decoration.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Amazing Facts About Japan
This week I have been learning about Japan because The 2020 Olympics are in Tokyo Japan. For my task I had to read an epic book and research about Japan's people, animals, celebrations and the food there. Here is a link to my book on epic. I was learning how to find facts and information. I enjoyed writing down the facts and I found it challenging to find facts. This is a link to one of my videos. This is a link to my other video. This is a link to one other book I read and this is the last link to a site that also gave me information. When I get comments it makes me feel really good so maybe yours will too.
The Everything Robot
Lately I have been learning about robots. Did you know that robots have been around for a long time, they used to go by gears and springs but now they mainly go by batteries. For this task I have been learning to find information in a text book. For this activity I had to learn about robots and then I had to create my own robot on paper or on these slides, I chose to do it on the slides. I enjoyed learning about the robots and creating my own robot. I found it challenging to get the tracks on the robot to look right. I’d love it if you commented on my arabian horse writing post, Click this link to see it. Click this link to read the first book I read about robots and this link to read a site about them. This last link to view my video.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
A Sweet Business
Lately I have been learning about Bees and about starting a bee Business. For this task I have thought about what connects things like beekeeper and beehive or bees and gardens. For this task I was learning to make and support inferences. In this task I enjoyed learning about bees and a bee business. I found it challenging to think of what connected the things. Did you know that these mites called varroa mites can kill an entire beehive and to do that they suck the blood of bees and leave holes in their skin. It makes me feel really good when I get blog comments. So maybe yours will make me feel good too. Click the link to view the book I read to learn about the mites, click this link to view the other book I read, and one more link for the video I watched.